Participant Story: Melissa, a Research Study Participant at Velocity

How did you first hear about Velocity?

I saw a notice hanging in my doctor’s office. My first experience was in a COVID-19 vaccine study. I also participated in two booster vaccine studies, as well.

Why did you choose to participate in a research study?

COVID-19 was a nightmare and I wanted to participate in getting us all out of it. My son is a paramedic, so I figured, like him, I could help fight the virus in my own way.

What was the process like?

My initial phone call involved a flurry of pertinent questions including my health history and pre-existing conditions. My visits were as positive as can be given the quiet, shut-down world – friendly, informative, and organized. My clinic is in my doctor’s office – a space I’ve been coming to for 25 years – so I’m quite comfortable here!

What did you think of clinical trials before participating?

I knew that clinical trials were necessary in order for treatments to be as safe as possible for people, but didn’t know much else.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering participating in a clinical trial?

Remember that you are doing something important (and getting paid isn’t terrible either). However, I do feel that a person who is anxious about it or doesn’t trust the process should be wary to join a clinical trial. You need to completely consent before participating. [Read more about the informed consent process here.]

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Melissa - research study participant testimonial

Participant Story: Melissa, a Research Study Participant at Velocity

November 15, 2022

How did you first hear about Velocity? I saw a notice hanging in my doctor’s office. My first experience was in a COVID-19 vaccine study. I also participated in two … Read more

It all starts with people like you.

Without clinical trial participants, it would not be possible to create new medicines, treatments, and cures.